NP-Sticky: Model-Guided Ligation Calculator

Circular Ligation Calculator

You can download this Excel worksheet to facilitate concentration conversion and ligation reaction setup: ligation_worksheet.xlsx

Product Distribution Prediction

This circular ligation calculator can predict product distribution given the input concentrations of vector and insert in the ligation reaction.

Please enter reaction conditions for insert-vector ligation reaction.

Insert Size:bp Molar concentration nM
Mass concentration ng/μl    Volume:μl
Vector Size:bp Molar concentration nM
Mass concentration ng/μl    Volume:μl
Total volume of reaction:μl (only needed when using mass concentrations)
Sticky end free energy Sticky end 1 kcal/mol
Sticky end 2 kcal/mol
Sticky end overhang bases Sticky end 1
Sticky end 2

Ligation Recommendation

Ligation incorporation, efficiency, and accuracy will be calculated over a range of concentrations and molar ratios to allow selection of optimal ligation conditions for specific applications.

Please enter reaction conditions for insert-vector ligation reaction.

Insert Size:bp Molar concentration nM
Mass concentration ng/μl
Vector Size:bp
Sticky end free energy Sticky end 1 kcal/mol
Sticky end 2 kcal/mol
Sticky end overhang bases Sticky end 1
Sticky end 2

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
The Python source codes are available here: cirlig_predict.cgi; cirlig_recom.cgi

Last modified by Daphne Ng on Jan 14th, 2014